
KAMEI. As it happens.

What’s new at KAMEI? From our latest developments to brand new products and new objectives. We’ll keep you updated here. If you require any additional information do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at



August 2020

The big KAMEI story

CURBS magazine reports

"How Karl Meier became KAMEI" - this is the title of the big KAMEI story in the CURBS magazine for historical motorsport.

On ten pages it tells about the beginnings of the company in the tuning sector up to the present roof box manufacturer.

You can find the whole report in the current issue of the motorsport magazine:

CURBS issue #38 (in German only) >

Where we come from. And everything we’ve experienced.

A overview of the history of KAMEI can also be found on our website:

KAMEI History >